Here is our monthly place to discuss Overcoming Bias topics that have not appeared in recent posts.
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By Robin Hanson ยท Hundreds of paid subscribers
This is a blog on why we believe and do what we do, why we pretend otherwise, how we might do better, and what our descendants might do, if they don't all die.
From here:
The asteroid - which carries the rather dull designation 2007 TU24 - will pass by at a distance of 538,000km (334,000 miles), just outside Moon's orbit.
Well they were going to call it Alan, but hell, there was already an asteroid with that name! Cheap shot, I know, but science reporting in daily newspapers makes me want to break things. At least this one gets seven paragraphs in before mentioning Hollywood....
Hi Ben, read me more carefully. I am referring to a specific set of biases, experimentally proved to correlate with mental health and happiness. Nowhere do I claim that Taylor & Brown's, or Seligman's, work demonstrates that bias in general correlates to health and happiness !