Today is the revered USA “Approval to Print a Declaration of Independence Day“:
The Declaration of Independence was not signed [July 4] by the 56 persons whose signatures would eventually adorn it. Perhaps no one signed it that day. …. What Congress actually did that day was agree to print and publish the Declaration authorized two days earlier. … What was voted on July 2 was, however, really decided on July 1. But on June 28, Congress considered Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration, so was the die then cast? Or was it cast on June 10, when Congress voted that “a committee be appointed to prepare a declaration”? The Declaration was first actually declared — read aloud to a crowd (at the State House, now Independence Hall) — on July 8.
I prefer this classic Onion:
As a true patriot, I would gladly die in battle defending my homeland. I love my country more than my own life. But I would also be more than willing to give my last breath in the name of, say, Mexico, Panama, Japan, or the Czech Republic. The most honorable thing a man can do is lay down his life for his country. Or another country. The important thing is that it’s a country.
Here in Northern Virginia there are lots of “Support Our Troops” signs and bumper stickers. I now have this bumper sticker on my car:
This is my other sticker:
I like the way both play on three levels of meanings. My stickers may seem on the surface to say the opposite of what some other popular stickers say, but they can be better read as saying something subtler.
The usual “Support Our Troops” seems to say to support our side in a war, while “Support Everyone’s Troops” seems to say to support all sides in every war, which is silly. But the best way to support all troops everywhere would be to stop the wars ASAP.
The usual “Question Authority” seems to say “fight the power” while “Question Authority, But Raise Your Hand First” seems to say “accept their power.” But you really shouldn’t fight or accept powers until you can get past your dominance & submission reactions to calmly evaluate those powers, politely asking questions as needed to complete your evaluation.
Where can you buy a "Support Everyone's Troops" bumper sticker in green like the one posted in the article?
@dloye: I agree, its a wondrous thing our country was founded on all those things. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I see the logic of your point or the reason for your confusion. Before we begin bursting with patriotic pride at the principles our country was founded on and showering our love upon it, I note the Soviet Union was founded on the glorious principles of worker's rights and freedom from the tyranny of the Czar.
Clearly, just because a nation or any other group was founded or claims to be founded on certain principles doesn't mean the nation itself adheres (or has adhered) to those principles. Those things you name are all just words that remain empty without consistent actions showcasing their meaning. I think I would prefer celebrating all those ideas in practice instead of celebrating either lip-service to them or their part of a tribal self-identity.