War isn’t always bad; sometimes war is required. And Obama may well be a better than average president. But this is so strange:
Many voted for Obama saying Bush was a warmonger.
Obama just won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Obama doubled US troops in Afghanistan, for a net increase in US troops at war.
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By Robin Hanson · Hundreds of paid subscribers
This is a blog on why we believe and do what we do, why we pretend otherwise, how we might do better, and what our descendants might do, if they don't all die.
Its not strange at all. Its expected. The standard tactic for Democrats is to say the opposite of what you are planning on doing when what you are planning is unpopular for your base. (I don't mean this as an impeachment of Democrats, just that I see them do it most.)
In the short term (which is what most politicians care about) people will remember your words more than your actions.
@ John,
While I may agree with your comment, I think your comment is relatively meaningless. At least point to some specific issue with some data instead of empty rhetoric.