Next Friday January 29 (8pm), I’ll speak on When Robots Rule the Earth in Budapest, at Palack Borbár at the “8th Thalesians Séance.” Following my talk a panel discussion will “discuss and challenge his ideas.”
Added 2Feb: A video of the talk is now up here.
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By Robin Hanson · Hundreds of paid subscribers
This is a blog on why we believe and do what we do, why we pretend otherwise, how we might do better, and what our descendants might do, if they don't all die.
Nothing I said in any way supported or praised Putin or Russia.
I fully expect that sort of thing from Caplan, but seeing your head on Russia Today channel was really disappointing. I know you will take any publicity you can get. I know you will accuse me of bias. But there are really evil things in this world and Putin's propaganda network is one of them. Shame on you. Will buy your book anyway.