One way to avoid bias is to avoid believing lies. Several blogs specialize in lies, such as Deception Blog and Truth, Lies, and Romance. Here are ten good ways to detect lies:
Look for inconsistencies
Ask unexpected questions
Compare to when they truth-tell
Watch for fake smiles and emotions
Listen to your gut reaction
Watch for microexpressions
Are words and gestures consistent
Are they unusually uneasy
Watch for too much detail
Focus on the truths you find
I wish we had ways as good to detect self-deception.
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By Robin Hanson ยท Hundreds of paid subscribers
This is a blog on why we believe and do what we do, why we pretend otherwise, how we might do better, and what our descendants might do, if they don't all die.
I try consciously to be honest. I used to 'not lie' much, because of the consequences of getting caught. A reputation for trustworthyness is a good asset. But since I made the precept of honesty explicit, I learned more about myself. First I thought I would lose the seeming tactical advantage of bending the truth, but truth has equal advantages. I now know I feel the urge to lie mostly about my professional output, which tells me I'm way to attached to other peoples percetption of my social status.
was he writing about autists?